Errors Report

text version

json version


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 15:56 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<16>
General Infoposition, value=<top 21>
Chains.jsoncould not find found chain specific bp.json, see=<>
Organizationno github keys found, value=<mcfarhat>, field=<org.github_user>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 06:35 UTC>, validated every=<168 h>
APIinvalid URL, value=<502 Bad Gateway>, field=<node[1].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<0.4 s>, timeout=<2 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:56 UTC>
APIinvalid URL, value=<502 Bad Gateway>, field=<node[1].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<0.4 s>, timeout=<2 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:56 UTC>
APIno valid API/SSL endpoints provided, field=<node[1]>, having node_type=<query>
P2Pcannot connect to peer, field=<node[1].p2p_endpoint>, host=<>, port=<9876>
Organizationno valid p2p endpoints provided, field=<node[1]>, having node_type=<seed>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 16:03 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<29>
General Infoposition, value=<candidate>
RegproducerURL redirected, field=<main web site>, url=<>, redirected to response_url=<>, elapsed time=<1.4 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:03 UTC>
APIserver_version is out of date in response, value=<5.0.0 (leap)>, field=<node[2].api_endpoint>, url=<>, see=<>
APIdb_size api is enabled, value=<200 OK>, field=<node[2].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<0.2 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:03 UTC>
APIserver_version is out of date in response, value=<5.0.0 (leap)>, field=<node[2].ssl_endpoint>, url=<>, see=<>
APIdb_size api is enabled, value=<200 OK>, field=<node[2].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<0.4 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:03 UTC>
APIno valid API/SSL endpoints provided, field=<node[2]>, having node_type=<query>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 15:49 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<23>
General Infoposition, value=<candidate>
Chains.jsoncould not find found chain specific bp.json, see=<>
Organizationno match between bp.json and regproducer, field=<producer_account_name>
OrganizationKeybase info, field=<>, url=<>, Full Name=<EOS Argentina>, Location=<Argentina>, Bio=<EOS Comunity in Argentina>, elapsed time=<0.2 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-14 01:53 UTC>, validated every=<168 h>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 15:58 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<17>
General Infoposition, value=<top 21>
Regproducerinvalid URL, value=<404 Not Found>, field=<main web site>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.9 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:58 UTC>
Chains.jsoninvalid URL, value=<404 Not Found>, field=<chains json>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.4 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:58 UTC>, see=<>
Organizationmissing Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, field=<BP info JSON URL>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.4 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:58 UTC>, see=<>
Organizationjson schema validation, value=<String does not match ^[\w\d_\-\./]*$.>, field=</org/social/youtube>, see=<>
Organizationsocial references must not start with the at symbol, field=<>
Organizationunknown social reference, field=<>
Organizationunknown social reference, field=<>
Organizationunknown social reference, field=<>
Organizationextranious API endpoint provided, field=<node[0]>, having node_type=<query>
Organizationextranious SSL endpoint provided, field=<node[0]>, having node_type=<query>
Organizationextranious p2p endpoints provided, field=<node[0]>, having node_type=<query>, see=<>
Organizationno query nodes provided, see=<>
Organizationno seed nodes provided, see=<>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 15:51 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<5>
General Infoposition, value=<top 21>
APIinvalid block one, value=<400 Bad Request>, field=<node[0].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"block_num_or_id": "1", "json": true}>, elapsed time=<0.3 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:50 UTC>
APIerror retriving large block, value=<400 Bad Request>, field=<node[0].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"json": true, "block_num_or_id": 63289201}>, elapsed time=<0.3 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:50 UTC>, explanation=<edit config.ini to set abi-serializer-max-time-ms = 2000 (or higher) and http-max-response-time-ms = 2500 (or higher)>, see=<>
APIinvalid block one, value=<400 Bad Request>, field=<node[0].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"block_num_or_id": "1", "json": true}>, elapsed time=<0.5 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:50 UTC>
APIerror retriving large block, value=<400 Bad Request>, field=<node[0].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"json": true, "block_num_or_id": 63289201}>, elapsed time=<0.2 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:50 UTC>, explanation=<edit config.ini to set abi-serializer-max-time-ms = 2000 (or higher) and http-max-response-time-ms = 2500 (or higher)>, see=<>
APIno valid API/SSL endpoints provided, field=<node[0]>, having node_type=<query>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 15:59 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<34>
General Infoposition, value=<candidate>
OrganizationKeybase info, field=<>, url=<>, Full Name=<John Heeter>, Bio=<Founder @>, elapsed time=<0.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-14 01:30 UTC>, validated every=<168 h>
APIserver_version is out of date in response, value=<5.0.0 (leap)>, field=<node[3].ssl_endpoint>, url=<>, see=<>
APIinvalid block one, value=<400 Bad Request>, field=<node[3].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"block_num_or_id": "1", "json": true}>, elapsed time=<0.6 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:58 UTC>
APIerror retriving large block, value=<400 Bad Request>, field=<node[3].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"json": true, "block_num_or_id": 63289201}>, elapsed time=<0.6 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:58 UTC>, explanation=<edit config.ini to set abi-serializer-max-time-ms = 2000 (or higher) and http-max-response-time-ms = 2500 (or higher)>, see=<>
APIno valid API/SSL endpoints provided, field=<node[3]>, having node_type=<query>
APIserver_version is out of date in response, value=<5.0.0 (leap)>, field=<node[4].ssl_endpoint>, url=<>, see=<>
APIinvalid block one, value=<400 Bad Request>, field=<node[4].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"block_num_or_id": "1", "json": true}>, elapsed time=<0.6 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:58 UTC>
APIerror retriving large block, value=<400 Bad Request>, field=<node[4].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"json": true, "block_num_or_id": 63289201}>, elapsed time=<0.5 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:59 UTC>, explanation=<edit config.ini to set abi-serializer-max-time-ms = 2000 (or higher) and http-max-response-time-ms = 2500 (or higher)>, see=<>
APIno valid API/SSL endpoints provided, field=<node[4]>, having node_type=<query>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 16:01 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<41>
General Infoposition, value=<candidate>
OrganizationHTTPS is recommended instead of HTTP, field=<org.code_of_conduct>, url=<>, timeout=<10 s>, validated every=<168 h>, see=<>
OrganizationHTTPS is recommended instead of HTTP, field=<org.ownership_disclosure>, url=<>, timeout=<10 s>, validated every=<168 h>, see=<>
Organizationgithub_user is an organization, not an individual, value=<Yknot-BCS>, field=<org.github_user>
Organizationshould have at least 4 social references, field=<>
APIURL redirected, field=<node[1].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, redirected to response_url=<>, elapsed time=<1.2 s>, timeout=<2 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:01 UTC>
APIneed to specify HTTP instead of HTTPS, field=<node[1].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, redirected to response_url=<>, elapsed time=<1.2 s>, timeout=<2 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:01 UTC>
P2Pcannot connect to peer, field=<node[2].p2p_endpoint>, host=<>, port=<9876>
Organizationno valid p2p endpoints provided, field=<node[2]>, having node_type=<seed>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 16:07 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<26>
General Infoposition, value=<candidate>
P2Pcannot connect to peer, field=<node[1].p2p_endpoint>, host=<>, port=<9879>
Organizationno valid p2p endpoints provided, field=<node[1]>, having node_type=<seed>
Organizationfeatures list not provided, field=<node[2]>, having node_type=<query>, see=<>
APIno valid API/SSL endpoints provided, field=<node[2]>, having node_type=<query>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 15:53 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<49>
General Infoposition, value=<candidate>
Regproducerregproducer key is assigned to an account; better to use a dedicated signing key, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"json": true, "keys": ["EOS5Lobvv4jurHXRMwaRpo5C9aN3EF5iTKmTwrYvFRss3axowVetb"]}>, elapsed time=<0.0 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:53 UTC>, see=<>
Regproducerclaim rewards: last claim time, value=<2024-04-19 10:46 UTC>
Regproducertrailing slash is not required, field=<main web site>, url=<>, timeout=<10 s>
Chains.jsoninvalid URL, value=<404 Not Found>, field=<chains json>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.3 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:53 UTC>, see=<>
Organizationmissing Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, field=<BP info JSON URL>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.2 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:53 UTC>, see=<>
Organizationjson schema validation, value=<Properties not allowed: producer_public_key.>, field=</>, see=<>
Organizationproducer_public_key is not useful, field=<producer_public_key>, see=<>
Organizationtrailing slash is not required, field=<>, url=<>, timeout=<10 s>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationno URL given, field=<org.code_of_conduct>, timeout=<10 s>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
Organizationsocial references must not start with the at symbol, field=<>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
Organizationshould have at least 4 social references, field=<>
Organizationextranious API endpoint provided, field=<node[0]>, having node_type=<query>
Organizationextranious SSL endpoint provided, field=<node[0]>, having node_type=<query>
Organizationno valid p2p endpoints provided, field=<node[0]>, having node_type=<seed>
Organizationextranious p2p endpoints provided, field=<node[1]>, having node_type=<query>, see=<>
Organizationno query nodes provided, see=<>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 15:58 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<22>
General Infoposition, value=<candidate>
OrganizationKeybase info, field=<>, url=<>, Full Name=<Bohdan CryptoLions>, Bio=<>, elapsed time=<0.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-13 23:37 UTC>, validated every=<168 h>
APIinvalid block one, value=<400 Bad Request>, field=<node[2].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"block_num_or_id": "1", "json": true}>, elapsed time=<0.3 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:54 UTC>
APIerror retriving large block, value=<400 Bad Request>, field=<node[2].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"json": true, "block_num_or_id": 63289201}>, elapsed time=<0.3 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:54 UTC>, explanation=<edit config.ini to set abi-serializer-max-time-ms = 2000 (or higher) and http-max-response-time-ms = 2500 (or higher)>, see=<>
APIresponse took longer than expected, field=<node[2].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"json": true, "account": "nation.tlos", "code":"eosio.token", "symbol": "TLOS"}>, elapsed time=<20.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:54 UTC>
APIerror retriving symbol, value=<500 Headers not came for 0 sec>, field=<node[2].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"json": true, "account": "nation.tlos", "code":"eosio.token", "symbol": "TLOS"}>, elapsed time=<20.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:54 UTC>
APIresponse took longer than expected, field=<node[2].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<20.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:55 UTC>
APIresponse took longer than expected, field=<node[2].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<20.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:55 UTC>
APIresponse took longer than expected, field=<node[2].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<20.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:55 UTC>
APIresponse took longer than expected, field=<node[2].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<20.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:56 UTC>
APIsupported apis not available, value=<500 Headers not came for 0 sec>, field=<node[2].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<20.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:56 UTC>
APIinvalid block one, value=<400 Bad Request>, field=<node[2].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"block_num_or_id": "1", "json": true}>, elapsed time=<0.5 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:56 UTC>
APIerror retriving large block, value=<400 Bad Request>, field=<node[2].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"json": true, "block_num_or_id": 63289201}>, elapsed time=<0.5 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:56 UTC>, explanation=<edit config.ini to set abi-serializer-max-time-ms = 2000 (or higher) and http-max-response-time-ms = 2500 (or higher)>, see=<>
APIresponse took longer than expected, field=<node[2].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"json": true, "account": "nation.tlos", "code":"eosio.token", "symbol": "TLOS"}>, elapsed time=<20.2 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:56 UTC>
APIerror retriving symbol, value=<500 Headers not came for 0 sec>, field=<node[2].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"json": true, "account": "nation.tlos", "code":"eosio.token", "symbol": "TLOS"}>, elapsed time=<20.2 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:56 UTC>
APIresponse took longer than expected, field=<node[2].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<20.2 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:57 UTC>
APIresponse took longer than expected, field=<node[2].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<20.2 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:57 UTC>
APIresponse took longer than expected, field=<node[2].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<20.2 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:57 UTC>
APIresponse took longer than expected, field=<node[2].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<20.2 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:58 UTC>
APIsupported apis not available, value=<500 Headers not came for 0 sec>, field=<node[2].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<20.2 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:58 UTC>
APIno valid API/SSL endpoints provided, field=<node[2]>, having node_type=<query>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 15:55 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<45>
General Infoposition, value=<candidate>
Regproducerobsolete version of TLS is still supported, value=<TLSv1.1>, field=<main web site>, url=<>, elapsed time=<1.4 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-19 21:42 UTC>, validated every=<24 h>, see=<>, see=<>
Organizationshould have at least 4 social references, field=<>
APIinvalid block one, value=<400 Bad Request>, field=<node[1].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"block_num_or_id": "1", "json": true}>, elapsed time=<0.9 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:55 UTC>
APIerror retriving large block, value=<400 Bad Request>, field=<node[1].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"json": true, "block_num_or_id": 63289201}>, elapsed time=<0.9 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:55 UTC>, explanation=<edit config.ini to set abi-serializer-max-time-ms = 2000 (or higher) and http-max-response-time-ms = 2500 (or higher)>, see=<>
APIHTTPS API nodes would have better performance by using HTTP/2, field=<node[1].ssl_endpoint>, url=<>, see=<>
APIinvalid block one, value=<400 Bad Request>, field=<node[1].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"block_num_or_id": "1", "json": true}>, elapsed time=<1.2 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:55 UTC>
APIerror retriving large block, value=<400 Bad Request>, field=<node[1].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"json": true, "block_num_or_id": 63289201}>, elapsed time=<1.2 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:55 UTC>, explanation=<edit config.ini to set abi-serializer-max-time-ms = 2000 (or higher) and http-max-response-time-ms = 2500 (or higher)>, see=<>
APIno valid API/SSL endpoints provided, field=<node[1]>, having node_type=<query>
P2Pcannot resolve DNS name, field=<node[2].p2p_endpoint>, dns=<>
Organizationno valid p2p endpoints provided, field=<node[2]>, having node_type=<seed>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 15:46 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<44>
General Infoposition, value=<candidate>
Organizationno github keys found, value=<eosauthority>, field=<org.github_user>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-17 17:46 UTC>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
Organizationduplicate URL, field=<>, url=<>, timeout=<10 s>, validated every=<168 h>
OrganizationKeybase info, field=<>, url=<>, Full Name=<EOS Authority>, Location=<London>, Bio=<EOS Block producer>, elapsed time=<0.3 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-14 00:25 UTC>, validated every=<168 h>
APIresponse took longer than expected, field=<node[0].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<3.3 s>, timeout=<2 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:46 UTC>
APIinvalid URL, value=<500 read timeout>, field=<node[0].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<3.3 s>, timeout=<2 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:46 UTC>
APIresponse took longer than expected, field=<node[0].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<3.4 s>, timeout=<2 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:46 UTC>
APIinvalid URL, value=<500 read timeout>, field=<node[0].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<3.4 s>, timeout=<2 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:46 UTC>
APIno valid API/SSL endpoints provided, field=<node[0]>, having node_type=<query>
P2Pcannot connect to peer, field=<node[1].p2p_endpoint>, host=<>, port=<9100>
Organizationno valid p2p endpoints provided, field=<node[1]>, having node_type=<seed>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 16:06 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<35>
General Infoposition, value=<candidate>
Regproducertrailing slash is not required, field=<main web site>, url=<>, timeout=<10 s>
Chains.jsonmissing Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, field=<chains json>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.3 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:05 UTC>, see=<>, see=<>
Chains.jsoninvalid JSON error, value=<Duplicate keys not allowed, at character offset 179 (before ": "/wax/wax.json",\n...")>, field=<chains json>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.3 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:05 UTC>, see=<>
Organizationmissing Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, field=<BP info JSON URL>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.2 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:05 UTC>, see=<>
Organizationjson schema validation, value=<Properties not allowed: producer_public_key.>, field=</>, see=<>
Organizationproducer_public_key is not useful, field=<producer_public_key>, see=<>
Organizationduplicate URL, field=<org.ownership_disclosure>, url=<>, timeout=<10 s>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationno github keys found, value=<jrosich>, field=<org.github_user>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-16 09:36 UTC>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationduplicate URL, field=<org.branding.logo_1024>, url=<>, timeout=<10 s>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationno URL given, field=<org.branding.logo_svg>, timeout=<10 s>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
Organizationduplicate URL, field=<>, url=<>, timeout=<10 s>, validated every=<168 h>
OrganizationKeybase info, field=<>, url=<>, Full Name=<blocksbarcelona>, Location=<Barcelona>, Bio=<Developer>, elapsed time=<0.4 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-14 01:02 UTC>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
APIresponse took longer than expected, field=<node[1].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<4.0 s>, timeout=<2 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:05 UTC>
APIinvalid URL, value=<500 Headers not came for 4 sec>, field=<node[1].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<4.0 s>, timeout=<2 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:05 UTC>
APIresponse took longer than expected, field=<node[1].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<4.0 s>, timeout=<2 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:06 UTC>
APIinvalid URL, value=<500 Headers not came for 4 sec>, field=<node[1].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<4.0 s>, timeout=<2 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:06 UTC>
APIno valid API/SSL endpoints provided, field=<node[1]>, having node_type=<query>
P2Pcannot connect to peer, field=<node[1].p2p_endpoint>, host=<>, port=<2093>
Organizationno valid p2p endpoints provided, field=<node[1]>, having node_type=<seed>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 15:51 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<9>
General Infoposition, value=<top 21>
Regproducertrailing slash is not required, field=<main web site>, url=<>, timeout=<10 s>
OrganizationKeybase info, field=<>, url=<>, Full Name=<EOS Dublin>, Location=<Dublin, Ireland>, Bio=<EOS Dublin Block Producer Candidate>, elapsed time=<0.3 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-13 23:12 UTC>, validated every=<168 h>
APIHTTPS API nodes would have better performance by using HTTP/2, field=<node[2].ssl_endpoint>, url=<>, see=<>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 16:04 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<12>
General Infoposition, value=<top 21>
Chains.jsonmissing Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, field=<chains json>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.0 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:02 UTC>, see=<>, see=<>
Organizationmissing Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, field=<BP info JSON URL>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.0 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:04 UTC>, see=<>
Organizationjson schema validation, value=<String does not match ^https?://.+[^/]$.>, field=</org/website>, see=<>
Organizationtrailing slash is not required, field=<>, url=<>, timeout=<10 s>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationno github keys found, value=<wakeupjohnny>, field=<org.github_user>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-16 08:01 UTC>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationinvalid URL, value=<404 Not Found>, field=<org.branding.logo_256>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.0 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:38 UTC>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationinvalid URL, value=<404 Not Found>, field=<org.branding.logo_1024>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.0 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:38 UTC>, validated every=<168 h>
OrganizationKeybase info, field=<>, url=<>, Full Name=<J.P.>, Location=<Detroit, MI>, elapsed time=<0.2 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-13 23:05 UTC>, validated every=<168 h>
P2Pcannot connect to peer, field=<node[1].p2p_endpoint>, host=<>, port=<30001>
Organizationno valid p2p endpoints provided, field=<node[1]>, having node_type=<seed>
APIURL redirected, field=<node[2].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, redirected to response_url=<>, elapsed time=<0.2 s>, timeout=<2 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:04 UTC>
APIneed to specify HTTP instead of HTTPS, field=<node[2].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, redirected to response_url=<>, elapsed time=<0.2 s>, timeout=<2 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:04 UTC>
APIHTTPS API nodes would have better performance by using HTTP/2, field=<node[2].ssl_endpoint>, url=<>, see=<>
APIinvalid block one, value=<400 Bad Request>, field=<node[2].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"block_num_or_id": "1", "json": true}>, elapsed time=<0.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:04 UTC>
APIerror retriving large block, value=<400 Bad Request>, field=<node[2].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"json": true, "block_num_or_id": 63289201}>, elapsed time=<0.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:04 UTC>, explanation=<edit config.ini to set abi-serializer-max-time-ms = 2000 (or higher) and http-max-response-time-ms = 2500 (or higher)>, see=<>
APIno valid API/SSL endpoints provided, field=<node[2]>, having node_type=<query>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 16:03 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<10>
General Infoposition, value=<top 21>
OrganizationURL redirected, field=<BP info JSON URL>, url=<>, redirected to response_url=<>, elapsed time=<2.0 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:02 UTC>
OrganizationKeybase info, field=<>, url=<>, Full Name=<EOSphere>, Location=<Australia>, Bio=<>, elapsed time=<0.3 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-13 23:14 UTC>, validated every=<168 h>
P2PTimed out while receiving blocks, field=<node[1].p2p_endpoint>, host=<>, port=<9876>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 16:01 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<8>
General Infoposition, value=<top 21>
Organizationjson schema validation, value=<String does not match ^https?://.+[^/]$.>, field=</org/code_of_conduct>, see=<>
Organizationjson schema validation, value=<String does not match ^https?://.+[^/]$.>, field=</org/ownership_disclosure>, see=<>
OrganizationKeybase info, field=<>, url=<>, Full Name=<Igor Lins e Silva>, Location=<Rio de Janeiro, Brazil>, Bio=<CTO at EOS Rio>, elapsed time=<3.2 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-14 00:36 UTC>, validated every=<168 h>
APIresponse took longer than expected, field=<node[0].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<4.0 s>, timeout=<2 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:00 UTC>
APIinvalid URL, value=<500 Can't connect to (Connection timed out)>, field=<node[0].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<4.0 s>, timeout=<2 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:00 UTC>
APIresponse took longer than expected, field=<node[0].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<4.0 s>, timeout=<2 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:01 UTC>
APIinvalid URL, value=<500 Can't connect to (Connection timed out)>, field=<node[0].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<4.0 s>, timeout=<2 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:01 UTC>
APIno valid API/SSL endpoints provided, field=<node[0]>, having node_type=<query>
P2Pcannot resolve DNS name, field=<node[1].p2p_endpoint>, dns=<>
Organizationno valid p2p endpoints provided, field=<node[1]>, having node_type=<seed>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 15:46 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<3>
General Infoposition, value=<top 21>
Chains.jsoncould not find found chain specific bp.json, see=<>
Organizationinvalid JSON error, value=<Duplicate keys not allowed, at character offset 951 (before "telegram": "eostribe...")>, field=<BP info JSON URL>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:46 UTC>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 16:06 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<16>
General Infoposition, value=<top 21>
Regproducerclaim rewards: last claim time, value=<2024-04-19 08:46 UTC>
Chains.jsonmissing Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, field=<chains json>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.4 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:05 UTC>, see=<>, see=<>
Organizationmissing Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, field=<BP info JSON URL>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.4 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:05 UTC>, see=<>
Organizationduplicate URL, field=<org.code_of_conduct>, url=<>, timeout=<10 s>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationduplicate URL, field=<org.ownership_disclosure>, url=<>, timeout=<10 s>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationgithub_user is an organization, not an individual, value=<FortisDev>, field=<org.github_user>
APIinvalid URL, value=<500 Can't connect to (SSL connect attempt failed error:0A000086:SSL routines::certificate verify failed)>, field=<node[0].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<0.5 s>, timeout=<2 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:05 UTC>
APIinvalid URL, value=<500 Can't connect to (SSL connect attempt failed error:0A000086:SSL routines::certificate verify failed)>, field=<node[0].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<0.2 s>, timeout=<2 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:05 UTC>
APIno valid API/SSL endpoints provided, field=<node[0]>, having node_type=<query>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 16:07 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<51>
General Infoposition, value=<candidate>
Regproducerclaim rewards: last claim time, value=<2024-04-19 12:46 UTC>
Organizationno URL given, field=<org.code_of_conduct>, timeout=<10 s>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationno URL given, field=<org.ownership_disclosure>, timeout=<10 s>, validated every=<168 h>
APIinvalid block one, value=<400 Bad Request>, field=<node[2].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"block_num_or_id": "1", "json": true}>, elapsed time=<0.4 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:07 UTC>
APIerror retriving large block, value=<400 Bad Request>, field=<node[2].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"json": true, "block_num_or_id": 63289201}>, elapsed time=<0.4 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:07 UTC>, explanation=<edit config.ini to set abi-serializer-max-time-ms = 2000 (or higher) and http-max-response-time-ms = 2500 (or higher)>, see=<>
APIinvalid block one, value=<400 Bad Request>, field=<node[2].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"block_num_or_id": "1", "json": true}>, elapsed time=<0.6 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:07 UTC>
APIerror retriving large block, value=<400 Bad Request>, field=<node[2].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"json": true, "block_num_or_id": 63289201}>, elapsed time=<0.6 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:07 UTC>, explanation=<edit config.ini to set abi-serializer-max-time-ms = 2000 (or higher) and http-max-response-time-ms = 2500 (or higher)>, see=<>
APIno valid API/SSL endpoints provided, field=<node[2]>, having node_type=<query>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 15:51 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<40>
General Infoposition, value=<candidate>
RegproducerURL redirected, field=<main web site>, url=<>, redirected to response_url=<>, elapsed time=<0.5 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:50 UTC>
Chains.jsonmissing Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, field=<chains json>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.3 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:50 UTC>, see=<>, see=<>
Chains.jsonURL redirected, field=<chains json>, url=<>, redirected to response_url=<>, elapsed time=<0.3 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:50 UTC>, see=<>
Organizationmissing Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, field=<BP info JSON URL>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.4 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:50 UTC>, see=<>
OrganizationURL redirected, field=<BP info JSON URL>, url=<>, redirected to response_url=<>, elapsed time=<0.4 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:50 UTC>
OrganizationKeybase info, field=<>, url=<>, Full Name=<infinitybloc>, Location=<San Francisco Bay Area>, Bio=<Infinitybloc Founder>, elapsed time=<0.2 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-14 02:55 UTC>, validated every=<168 h>
APIinvalid URL, value=<404 Not Found>, field=<node[1].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<0.3 s>, timeout=<2 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:51 UTC>
APIinvalid URL, value=<404 Not Found>, field=<node[1].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<0.2 s>, timeout=<2 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:51 UTC>
APIno valid API/SSL endpoints provided, field=<node[1]>, having node_type=<query>
P2Pcannot connect to peer, field=<node[2].p2p_endpoint>, host=<>, port=<9878>
Organizationno valid p2p endpoints provided, field=<node[2]>, having node_type=<seed>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 15:48 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<4>
General Infoposition, value=<top 21>
Regproducerregproducer key is assigned to an account; better to use a dedicated signing key, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"json": true, "keys": ["EOS5ki7SX7AXXf8kpSV48mmTmykw8Rpxswp9LnB3Yo6QwUYVCwv97"]}>, elapsed time=<0.0 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:48 UTC>, see=<>
Organizationinvalid URL, value=<404 Not Found>, field=<BP info JSON URL>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.8 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:48 UTC>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 15:47 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<15>
General Infoposition, value=<top 21>
Regproducerregproducer key is assigned to an account; better to use a dedicated signing key, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"json": true, "keys": ["EOS6J82BtCJDedRkA1YsQnLRVtQ2c3PGN44iLgm5R6R97H2dW14Bw"]}>, elapsed time=<0.0 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:45 UTC>, see=<>
Chains.jsonmissing Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, field=<chains json>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.5 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:45 UTC>, see=<>, see=<>
Chains.jsonURL redirected, field=<chains json>, url=<>, redirected to response_url=<>, elapsed time=<0.5 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:45 UTC>, see=<>
Chains.jsoncould not find found chain specific bp.json, see=<>
Organizationmissing Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, field=<BP info JSON URL>, url=<>, elapsed time=<1.4 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:45 UTC>, see=<>
OrganizationURL redirected, field=<BP info JSON URL>, url=<>, redirected to response_url=<>, elapsed time=<1.4 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:45 UTC>
Organizationinvalid URL, value=<500 Can't connect to (hostname verification failed)>, field=<org.branding.logo_256>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.2 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:45 UTC>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationinvalid URL, value=<500 Can't connect to (hostname verification failed)>, field=<org.branding.logo_1024>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.2 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:46 UTC>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationinvalid URL, value=<500 Can't connect to (hostname verification failed)>, field=<org.branding.logo_svg>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.2 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:46 UTC>, validated every=<168 h>
APIURL redirected, field=<node[1].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, redirected to response_url=<>, elapsed time=<1.4 s>, timeout=<2 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:47 UTC>
APIneed to specify HTTP instead of HTTPS, field=<node[1].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, redirected to response_url=<>, elapsed time=<1.4 s>, timeout=<2 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:47 UTC>
APIobsolete version of TLS is still supported, value=<TLSv1.0>, field=<node[1].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<0.9 s>, timeout=<2 s>, validated at=<2024-04-19 21:20 UTC>, validated every=<24 h>, see=<>, see=<>
APIobsolete version of TLS is still supported, value=<TLSv1.1>, field=<node[1].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<0.9 s>, timeout=<2 s>, validated at=<2024-04-19 21:20 UTC>, validated every=<24 h>, see=<>, see=<>
APIHTTPS API nodes would have better performance by using HTTP/2, field=<node[1].ssl_endpoint>, url=<>, see=<>
APIinvalid chain_id, value=<4667b205c6838ef70ff7988f6e8257e8be0e1284a2f59699054a018f743b1d11>, field=<node[1].ssl_endpoint>, url=<>
APIunknown server_version in response, value=<v3.1.0-rc2>, field=<node[1].ssl_endpoint>, url=<>, see=<>
APIinvalid block one, value=<400 Bad Request>, field=<node[1].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"block_num_or_id": "1", "json": true}>, elapsed time=<1.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:47 UTC>
APIerror retriving large block, value=<400 Bad Request>, field=<node[1].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"json": true, "block_num_or_id": 63289201}>, elapsed time=<1.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:47 UTC>, explanation=<edit config.ini to set abi-serializer-max-time-ms = 2000 (or higher) and http-max-response-time-ms = 2500 (or higher)>, see=<>
APIresponse took longer than expected, field=<node[1].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<20.7 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:47 UTC>
APIno valid API/SSL endpoints provided, field=<node[1]>, having node_type=<query>
P2PThis socket has been ended by the other party, field=<node[1].p2p_endpoint>, host=<>, port=<9876>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 15:47 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<14>
General Infoposition, value=<top 21>
RegproducerURL redirected, field=<main web site>, url=<>, redirected to response_url=<>, elapsed time=<0.6 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:46 UTC>
Chains.jsonURL redirected, field=<chains json>, url=<>, redirected to response_url=<>, elapsed time=<0.6 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:46 UTC>, see=<>
Chains.jsoncould not find found chain specific bp.json, see=<>
OrganizationURL redirected, field=<BP info JSON URL>, url=<>, redirected to response_url=<>, elapsed time=<0.6 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:46 UTC>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
P2PTimed out while receiving blocks, field=<node[2].p2p_endpoint>, host=<>, port=<11877>
APIinvalid URL, value=<503 Service Unavailable>, field=<node[3].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<0.2 s>, timeout=<2 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:47 UTC>
APIinvalid URL, value=<503 Service Unavailable>, field=<node[3].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<0.5 s>, timeout=<2 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:47 UTC>
APIno valid API/SSL endpoints provided, field=<node[3]>, having node_type=<query>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 15:56 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<47>
General Infoposition, value=<candidate>
Organizationjson schema validation, value=<Properties not allowed: producer_public_key.>, field=</>, see=<>
Organizationuse of node_type=full is deprecated since 2020-09-16; use node_type=query and/or node_type=seed instead, see=<>
Organizationfeatures list not provided, field=<node[0]>, having node_type=<query>, see=<>
APIno valid API/SSL endpoints provided, field=<node[0]>, having node_type=<query>
P2Pcannot resolve DNS name, field=<node[1].p2p_endpoint>, dns=<>
Organizationno valid p2p endpoints provided, field=<node[1]>, having node_type=<seed>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 15:51 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<20>
General Infoposition, value=<top 21>
Chains.jsoninvalid URL, value=<404 Not Found>, field=<chains json>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:51 UTC>, see=<>
Organizationinvalid URL, value=<404 Not Found>, field=<BP info JSON URL>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:51 UTC>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 15:53 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<21>
General Infoposition, value=<top 21>
Regproducerregproducer key is assigned to an account; better to use a dedicated signing key, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"json": true, "keys": ["EOS5Jq5MJZvmkQbEHAgYkaX9Ff5AVcGU8geB9k1FH8UnkvLyfbV7G"]}>, elapsed time=<0.0 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:53 UTC>, see=<>
Chains.jsoninvalid URL, value=<404 Not Found>, field=<chains json>, url=<>, elapsed time=<3.0 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:53 UTC>, see=<>
Organizationmissing Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, field=<BP info JSON URL>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.2 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:53 UTC>, see=<>
Organizationinvalid JSON error, value=<invalid character encountered while parsing JSON string, at character offset 875 (before "\r\n "country...")>, field=<BP info JSON URL>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.2 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:53 UTC>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 16:05 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<7>
General Infoposition, value=<top 21>
OrganizationKeybase info, field=<>, url=<>, Full Name=<EOS Nation>, Location=<Canada>, Bio=<Building our Future one Block at a Time>, elapsed time=<0.3 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-13 22:18 UTC>, validated every=<168 h>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 16:03 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<18>
General Infoposition, value=<top 21>
Chains.jsoncould not find found chain specific bp.json, see=<>
P2PReceived go away message authentication failure, field=<node[1].p2p_endpoint>, host=<>, port=<9876>
APImultiple Access-Control-Allow-Origin headers=<@cors_origin>, field=<node[2].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<0.2 s>, timeout=<2 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:59 UTC>, see=<>
APImultiple Access-Control-Allow-Origin headers=<@cors_origin>, field=<node[2].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<0.1 s>, timeout=<2 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:59 UTC>, see=<>
APIno valid API/SSL endpoints provided, field=<node[2]>, having node_type=<query>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 15:47 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<33>
General Infoposition, value=<candidate>
Chains.jsonmissing Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, field=<chains json>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.3 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:46 UTC>, see=<>, see=<>
Organizationmissing Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, field=<BP info JSON URL>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.3 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:46 UTC>, see=<>
Organizationjson schema validation, value=</oneOf/0 Expected array - got string.>, field=</nodes/2/node_type>, see=<>
Organizationjson schema validation, value=</oneOf/1 Not in enum list: producer, query, seed.>, field=</nodes/2/node_type>, see=<>
Organizationshould have at least 4 social references, field=<>
P2PTimed out while receiving blocks, field=<node[1].p2p_endpoint>, host=<>, port=<8880>
Organizationuse of node_type=full is deprecated since 2020-09-16; use node_type=query and/or node_type=seed instead, see=<>
Organizationfeatures list not provided, field=<node[2]>, having node_type=<query>, see=<>
APIno valid API/SSL endpoints provided, field=<node[2]>, having node_type=<query>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 15:46 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<19>
General Infoposition, value=<top 21>
RegproducerURL redirected, field=<main web site>, url=<>, redirected to response_url=<>, elapsed time=<0.3 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:46 UTC>
Chains.jsoninvalid URL, value=<404 Not Found>, field=<chains json>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.2 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:46 UTC>, see=<>
OrganizationURL redirected, field=<BP info JSON URL>, url=<>, redirected to response_url=<>, elapsed time=<0.3 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:46 UTC>
Organizationjson schema validation, value=<String is too long: 6/2.>, field=</nodes/0/location/country>, see=<>
Organizationjson schema validation, value=<String does not match ^[A-Z]+$.>, field=</nodes/0/location/country>, see=<>
Organizationjson schema validation, value=<String is too long: 11/2.>, field=</org/location/country>, see=<>
Organizationjson schema validation, value=<String does not match ^[A-Z]+$.>, field=</org/location/country>, see=<>
Organizationjson schema validation, value=<String is too long: 13/12.>, field=</producer_account_name>, see=<>
Organizationjson schema validation, value=<String does not match ^[\.12345a-z]+$.>, field=</producer_account_name>, see=<>
Organizationno match between bp.json and regproducer, field=<producer_account_name>
Organizationno URL given, field=<org.code_of_conduct>, timeout=<10 s>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationinvalid URL, value=<projectblanc>, field=<org.github_user>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.2 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 10:40 UTC>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationinvalid URL, value=<projectblanc>, field=<org.github_user>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 10:41 UTC>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationnot a valid 2 letter country code using only uppercase letters, value=<Switzerland>, suggested to use value=<CH>, field=<org.location>, see=<>
Organizationno URL given, field=<org.branding.logo_1024>, timeout=<10 s>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationno URL given, field=<org.branding.logo_svg>, timeout=<10 s>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationshould have at least 4 social references, field=<>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 15:44 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<13>
General Infoposition, value=<top 21>
Chains.jsoninappropriate Access-Control-Allow-Origin header=<@cors_origin>, field=<chains json>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.4 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:39 UTC>, see=<>, see=<>
Organizationinappropriate Access-Control-Allow-Origin header=<@cors_origin>, field=<BP info JSON URL>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.4 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:44 UTC>, see=<>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
OrganizationKeybase info, field=<>, url=<>, Full Name=<Charles>, Location=<London>, Bio=<We specialize in Penetration testing, Wallet Security audits & Smart Contract Audits.>, elapsed time=<0.2 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-14 00:33 UTC>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
P2PThis socket has been ended by the other party, field=<node[0].p2p_endpoint>, host=<>, port=<4242>
Organizationno query nodes provided, see=<>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 15:53 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<7>
General Infoposition, value=<top 21>
Regproducerobsolete version of TLS is still supported, value=<TLSv1.0>, field=<main web site>, url=<>, elapsed time=<2.3 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 04:17 UTC>, validated every=<24 h>, see=<>, see=<>
Regproducerobsolete version of TLS is still supported, value=<TLSv1.1>, field=<main web site>, url=<>, elapsed time=<2.3 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 04:17 UTC>, validated every=<24 h>, see=<>, see=<>
Organizationjson schema validation, value=<Properties not allowed: producer_public_key.>, field=</>, see=<>
Organizationproducer_public_key is not useful, field=<producer_public_key>, see=<>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 16:03 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<32>
General Infoposition, value=<candidate>
Chains.jsoninvalid URL, value=<404 Not Found>, field=<chains json>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:03 UTC>, see=<>
Organizationinvalid URL, value=<404 Not Found>, field=<org.code_of_conduct>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 12:35 UTC>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationinvalid URL, value=<404 Not Found>, field=<org.ownership_disclosure>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 12:35 UTC>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationinvalid URL, value=<404 Not Found>, field=<org.branding.logo_256>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 12:36 UTC>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationinvalid URL, value=<404 Not Found>, field=<org.branding.logo_1024>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 12:36 UTC>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationinvalid URL, value=<404 Not Found>, field=<org.branding.logo_svg>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 12:36 UTC>, validated every=<168 h>
P2PTimed out while receiving blocks, field=<node[1].p2p_endpoint>, host=<>, port=<9876>
APIinvalid chain_id, value=<4667b205c6838ef70ff7988f6e8257e8be0e1284a2f59699054a018f743b1d11>, field=<node[2].ssl_endpoint>, url=<>
APIlast block is not up-to-date, value=<2024-04-20T16:03:34.500>, time delta=<17.9 s>, field=<node[2].ssl_endpoint>, url=<>
APIlarge block does not contain correct amount of transactions, value=<1>, suggested to use value=<34>, field=<node[2].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"json": true, "block_num_or_id": 63289201}>, elapsed time=<0.7 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:03 UTC>, explanation=<edit config.ini to set abi-serializer-max-time-ms = 2000 (or higher)>
APIno valid API/SSL endpoints provided, field=<node[2]>, having node_type=<query>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 16:06 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<38>
General Infoposition, value=<candidate>
Regproducerobsolete version of TLS is still supported, value=<TLSv1.0>, field=<main web site>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.3 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-19 18:26 UTC>, validated every=<24 h>, see=<>, see=<>
Regproducerobsolete version of TLS is still supported, value=<TLSv1.1>, field=<main web site>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.3 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-19 18:26 UTC>, validated every=<24 h>, see=<>, see=<>
Regproducerobsolete version of TLS is still supported, value=<TLSv1.0>, field=<main web site>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.3 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 03:09 UTC>, validated every=<24 h>, see=<>, see=<>
Regproducerobsolete version of TLS is still supported, value=<TLSv1.1>, field=<main web site>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.3 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 03:09 UTC>, validated every=<24 h>, see=<>, see=<>
RegproducerURL redirected, field=<main web site>, url=<>, redirected to response_url=<>, elapsed time=<0.3 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:05 UTC>
Chains.jsonmissing Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, field=<chains json>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.3 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:05 UTC>, see=<>, see=<>
Chains.jsonURL redirected, field=<chains json>, url=<>, redirected to response_url=<>, elapsed time=<0.3 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:05 UTC>, see=<>
Chains.jsoncould not find found chain specific bp.json, see=<>
Organizationmissing Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, field=<BP info JSON URL>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.3 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:05 UTC>, see=<>
OrganizationURL redirected, field=<BP info JSON URL>, url=<>, redirected to response_url=<>, elapsed time=<0.3 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:05 UTC>
Organizationjson schema validation, value=<String does not match ^https?://.+[^/]$.>, field=</org/chain_resources>, see=<>
Organizationjson schema validation, value=<String does not match ^[\w\d_\-\.]*$.>, field=</org/social/keybase>, see=<>
Organizationtrailing slash is not required, field=<org.chain_resources>, url=<>, timeout=<10 s>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
Organizationkeybase user not found, field=<>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-14 01:58 UTC>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
APIinvalid chain_id, value=<aca376f206b8fc25a6ed44dbdc66547c36c6c33e3a119ffbeaef943642f0e906>, field=<node[0].api_endpoint>, url=<>
APIlarge block does not contain correct amount of transactions, value=<36>, suggested to use value=<34>, field=<node[0].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"json": true, "block_num_or_id": 63289201}>, response from host=<>, elapsed time=<0.5 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:05 UTC>, explanation=<edit config.ini to set abi-serializer-max-time-ms = 2000 (or higher)>
APIcode compiled with incorrect symbol, field=<node[0].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"json": true, "account": "nation.tlos", "code":"eosio.token", "symbol": "TLOS"}>, response from host=<>, elapsed time=<0.0 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:05 UTC>
APIinvalid chain_id, value=<aca376f206b8fc25a6ed44dbdc66547c36c6c33e3a119ffbeaef943642f0e906>, field=<node[0].ssl_endpoint>, url=<>
APIlarge block does not contain correct amount of transactions, value=<36>, suggested to use value=<34>, field=<node[0].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"json": true, "block_num_or_id": 63289201}>, response from host=<>, elapsed time=<0.5 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:06 UTC>, explanation=<edit config.ini to set abi-serializer-max-time-ms = 2000 (or higher)>
APIcode compiled with incorrect symbol, field=<node[0].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"json": true, "account": "nation.tlos", "code":"eosio.token", "symbol": "TLOS"}>, response from host=<>, elapsed time=<0.0 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:06 UTC>
APIno valid API/SSL endpoints provided, field=<node[0]>, having node_type=<query>
APIduplicate URL, field=<node[1].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, timeout=<2 s>
APIduplicate URL, field=<node[1].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, timeout=<2 s>
APIno valid API/SSL endpoints provided, field=<node[1]>, having node_type=<query>
APIduplicate URL, field=<node[2].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, timeout=<2 s>
APIduplicate URL, field=<node[2].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, timeout=<2 s>
APIno valid API/SSL endpoints provided, field=<node[2]>, having node_type=<query>
P2PThis socket has been ended by the other party, field=<node[3].p2p_endpoint>, host=<>, port=<9876>
P2Pduplicate URL, field=<node[4].p2p_endpoint>, host=<>
Organizationno valid p2p endpoints provided, field=<node[4]>, having node_type=<seed>
P2Pduplicate URL, field=<node[5].p2p_endpoint>, host=<>
Organizationno valid p2p endpoints provided, field=<node[5]>, having node_type=<seed>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 15:56 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<39>
General Infoposition, value=<candidate>
APIport is non-standard (not using 80) and may be unusable by some applications, field=<node[2].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, port=<70>, timeout=<2 s>
Historyport is non-standard (not using 80) and may be unusable by some applications, field=<node[2].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, port=<70>, timeout=<2 s>
Hyperionport is non-standard (not using 80) and may be unusable by some applications, field=<node[2].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, port=<70>, timeout=<2 s>
Accountport is non-standard (not using 80) and may be unusable by some applications, field=<node[2].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, port=<70>, timeout=<2 s>
APIport is non-standard (not using 443) and may be unusable by some applications, field=<node[2].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, port=<343>, timeout=<2 s>
Historyport is non-standard (not using 443) and may be unusable by some applications, field=<node[2].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, port=<343>, timeout=<2 s>
Hyperionport is non-standard (not using 443) and may be unusable by some applications, field=<node[2].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, port=<343>, timeout=<2 s>
Accountport is non-standard (not using 443) and may be unusable by some applications, field=<node[2].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, port=<343>, timeout=<2 s>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 15:58 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<30>
General Infoposition, value=<candidate>
Organizationno github keys found, value=<EOS-Arabia>, field=<org.github_user>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-16 07:09 UTC>, validated every=<168 h>
Hyperionfeature enabled that may not be needed: option is heavy on the indexers and/or likely attack vector, feature=<deferred_trx>, field=<node[0].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<0.2 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:58 UTC>, explanation=<check hyperion configuration>, see=<>
Hyperionfeature enabled that may not be needed: option is heavy on the indexers and/or likely attack vector, feature=<deferred_trx>, field=<node[0].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<0.3 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:58 UTC>, explanation=<check hyperion configuration>, see=<>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 16:04 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<27>
General Infoposition, value=<candidate>
Regproducerregproducer key is assigned to an account; better to use a dedicated signing key, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"json": true, "keys": ["EOS74hEm6bB7txDUcmWck6gHnmfbP6atRynZR3fEsNozt7yweTKip"]}>, elapsed time=<0.0 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:03 UTC>, see=<>
P2PThis socket has been ended by the other party, field=<node[1].p2p_endpoint>, host=<>, port=<9875>
APIport is non-standard (not using 80) and may be unusable by some applications, field=<node[2].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, port=<8890>, timeout=<2 s>
APIinvalid block one, value=<400 Bad Request>, field=<node[2].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"block_num_or_id": "1", "json": true}>, elapsed time=<0.3 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:04 UTC>
APIerror retriving large block, value=<400 Bad Request>, field=<node[2].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"json": true, "block_num_or_id": 63289201}>, elapsed time=<0.3 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:04 UTC>, explanation=<edit config.ini to set abi-serializer-max-time-ms = 2000 (or higher) and http-max-response-time-ms = 2500 (or higher)>, see=<>
APIport is non-standard (not using 443) and may be unusable by some applications, field=<node[2].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, port=<8891>, timeout=<2 s>
APIinvalid block one, value=<400 Bad Request>, field=<node[2].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"block_num_or_id": "1", "json": true}>, elapsed time=<0.4 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:04 UTC>
APIerror retriving large block, value=<400 Bad Request>, field=<node[2].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"json": true, "block_num_or_id": 63289201}>, elapsed time=<0.5 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:04 UTC>, explanation=<edit config.ini to set abi-serializer-max-time-ms = 2000 (or higher) and http-max-response-time-ms = 2500 (or higher)>, see=<>
APIno valid API/SSL endpoints provided, field=<node[2]>, having node_type=<query>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 15:43 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<42>
General Infoposition, value=<candidate>
RegproducerURL redirected, field=<main web site>, url=<>, redirected to response_url=<>, elapsed time=<3.7 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:43 UTC>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 15:50 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<27>
General Infoposition, value=<candidate>
RegproducerURL redirected, field=<main web site>, url=<>, redirected to response_url=<>, elapsed time=<1.3 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:49 UTC>
OrganizationKeybase info, field=<>, url=<>, Full Name=<GenerEOS>, Location=<Sydney, Australia>, Bio=<Core team: Tim, Nathan, Ralf, Tai, Tom>, elapsed time=<0.2 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-13 22:57 UTC>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
APIport is non-standard (not using 80) and may be unusable by some applications, field=<node[0].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, port=<8888>, timeout=<2 s>
APIresponse took longer than expected, field=<node[0].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<4.0 s>, timeout=<2 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:49 UTC>
APIinvalid URL, value=<500 Can't connect to (Connection timed out)>, field=<node[0].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<4.0 s>, timeout=<2 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:49 UTC>
APIport is not required, field=<node[0].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, port=<443>, timeout=<2 s>
APIsupported apis not available, value=<404 Not Found>, field=<node[0].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<0.3 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:49 UTC>
APIno valid API/SSL endpoints provided, field=<node[0]>, having node_type=<query>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 16:07 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<29>
General Infoposition, value=<candidate>
Chains.jsonmissing Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, field=<chains json>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.3 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:06 UTC>, see=<>, see=<>
Chains.jsoncould not find found chain specific bp.json, see=<>
Organizationmissing Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, field=<BP info JSON URL>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.3 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:06 UTC>, see=<>
Organizationjson schema validation, value=<String does not match ^https?://.+[^/]$.>, field=</org/code_of_conduct>, see=<>
Organizationjson schema validation, value=<String does not match ^https?://.+[^/]$.>, field=</org/ownership_disclosure>, see=<>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
OrganizationKeybase info, field=<>, url=<>, Full Name=<Kevin Quaintance>, Location=<Sacramento, CA, US>, Bio=<TELOS block producer>, elapsed time=<0.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-19 03:40 UTC>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
Organizationfeatures list not provided, field=<node[0]>, having node_type=<query>, see=<>
APIno valid API/SSL endpoints provided, field=<node[0]>, having node_type=<query>
P2PReceived go away message authentication failure, field=<node[0].p2p_endpoint>, host=<>, port=<9876>
APIHTTPS API nodes would have better performance by using HTTP/2, field=<node[1].ssl_endpoint>, url=<>, see=<>
APIinvalid chain_id, value=<4667b205c6838ef70ff7988f6e8257e8be0e1284a2f59699054a018f743b1d11>, field=<node[1].ssl_endpoint>, url=<>
APIlast block is not up-to-date, value=<2024-04-20T16:07:06.500>, time delta=<12.2 s>, field=<node[1].ssl_endpoint>, url=<>
APIinvalid block one, value=<400 Bad Request>, field=<node[1].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"block_num_or_id": "1", "json": true}>, elapsed time=<0.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:07 UTC>
APIerror retriving large block, value=<400 Bad Request>, field=<node[1].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"json": true, "block_num_or_id": 63289201}>, elapsed time=<0.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 16:07 UTC>, explanation=<edit config.ini to set abi-serializer-max-time-ms = 2000 (or higher) and http-max-response-time-ms = 2500 (or higher)>, see=<>
APIno valid API/SSL endpoints provided, field=<node[1]>, having node_type=<query>
P2PReceived go away message authentication failure, field=<node[1].p2p_endpoint>, host=<>, port=<9876>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 15:49 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<31>
General Infoposition, value=<candidate>
Chains.jsoncould not find found chain specific bp.json, see=<>
Organizationinvalid JSON error, value=<Duplicate keys not allowed, at character offset 1773 (before "p2p_endpoint": "p2p2...")>, field=<BP info JSON URL>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.0 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:49 UTC>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 15:47 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<43>
General Infoposition, value=<candidate>
Regproducerregproducer key is assigned to an account; better to use a dedicated signing key, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"json": true, "keys": ["EOS7JxMFPmNEULcRtZLSoD8Sst86p137JiWd7xVaoo5JVs8LGkvbD"]}>, elapsed time=<0.0 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:47 UTC>, see=<>
Regproducertrailing slash is not required, field=<main web site>, url=<>, timeout=<10 s>
Chains.jsoncould not find found chain specific bp.json, see=<>
Organizationduplicate URL, field=<org.ownership_disclosure>, url=<>, timeout=<10 s>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationduplicate URL, field=<>, url=<>, timeout=<10 s>, validated every=<168 h>
OrganizationKeybase info, field=<>, url=<>, Full Name=<Prem Kumar Jerome>, Location=<INDIA>, elapsed time=<0.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-18 15:09 UTC>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationshould have at least 4 social references, field=<>
APIURL redirected, field=<node[1].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, redirected to response_url=<>, elapsed time=<1.8 s>, timeout=<2 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:47 UTC>
APIneed to specify HTTP instead of HTTPS, field=<node[1].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, redirected to response_url=<>, elapsed time=<1.8 s>, timeout=<2 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:47 UTC>
APIHTTPS API nodes would have better performance by using HTTP/2, field=<node[1].ssl_endpoint>, url=<>, see=<>
APIinvalid chain_id, value=<4667b205c6838ef70ff7988f6e8257e8be0e1284a2f59699054a018f743b1d11>, field=<node[1].ssl_endpoint>, url=<>
APIinvalid block one, value=<400 Bad Request>, field=<node[1].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"block_num_or_id": "1", "json": true}>, elapsed time=<1.0 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:47 UTC>
APIerror retriving large block, value=<400 Bad Request>, field=<node[1].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"json": true, "block_num_or_id": 63289201}>, elapsed time=<1.0 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:47 UTC>, explanation=<edit config.ini to set abi-serializer-max-time-ms = 2000 (or higher) and http-max-response-time-ms = 2500 (or higher)>, see=<>
APIno valid API/SSL endpoints provided, field=<node[1]>, having node_type=<query>
P2Pcannot connect to peer, field=<node[1].p2p_endpoint>, host=<>, port=<7776>
Organizationno valid p2p endpoints provided, field=<node[1]>, having node_type=<seed>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 15:54 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<37>
General Infoposition, value=<candidate>
Regproducerregproducer key is assigned to an account; better to use a dedicated signing key, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"json": true, "keys": ["EOS86a7sXQMRAEyGtLvJ4yPWeDPoQdkFP8EKkbgHEbK974LWYLg8m"]}>, elapsed time=<0.0 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:54 UTC>, see=<>
Chains.jsoninvalid URL, value=<404 Not Found>, field=<chains json>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:54 UTC>, see=<>
Organizationjson schema validation, value=</oneOf/0 Expected array - got string.>, field=</nodes/1/node_type>, see=<>
Organizationjson schema validation, value=</oneOf/1 Not in enum list: producer, query, seed.>, field=</nodes/1/node_type>, see=<>
Organizationjson schema validation, value=<String does not match ^[\w\d_\-\.]*$.>, field=</org/social/medium>, see=<>
Organizationjson schema validation, value=<String does not match ^[\w\d_\-\.]*$.>, field=</org/social/twitter>, see=<>
Organizationcannot resolve MX name, field=<>, dns=<>
Organizationno URL given, field=<org.code_of_conduct>, timeout=<10 s>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationreceived unexpected content_type, value=<text/plain>, field=<org.ownership_disclosure>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.2 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-14 13:22 UTC>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationno latitude, field=<org.location>
Organizationno longitude, field=<org.location>
Organizationsocial references must not start with the at symbol, field=<>
Organizationsocial references must not start with the at symbol, field=<>
Organizationshould have at least 4 social references, field=<>
Organizationuse of node_type=full is deprecated since 2020-09-16; use node_type=query and/or node_type=seed instead, see=<>
Organizationfeatures list not provided, field=<node[1]>, having node_type=<query>, see=<>
APIno valid API/SSL endpoints provided, field=<node[1]>, having node_type=<query>
Organizationextranious p2p endpoints provided, field=<node[1]>, having node_type=<query>, see=<>
Organizationno seed nodes provided, see=<>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 15:55 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<50>
General Infoposition, value=<candidate>
Regproducerclaim rewards: last claim time, value=<2024-04-19 11:46 UTC>
Regproducertrailing slash is not required, field=<main web site>, url=<>, timeout=<10 s>
Chains.jsonmissing Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, field=<chains json>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.3 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:54 UTC>, see=<>, see=<>
Organizationmissing Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, field=<BP info JSON URL>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.7 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:54 UTC>, see=<>
Organizationreceived unexpected content_type, value=<application/pdf>, field=<org.code_of_conduct>, url=<>, elapsed time=<1.3 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-16 20:43 UTC>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationno URL given, field=<org.branding.logo_1024>, timeout=<10 s>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationno URL given, field=<org.branding.logo_svg>, timeout=<10 s>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
Organizationinvalid URL, value=<404 Not Found>, field=<>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 14:09 UTC>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationshould have at least 4 social references, field=<>
APIport is non-standard (not using 80) and may be unusable by some applications, field=<node[1].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, port=<8888>, timeout=<2 s>
APIinvalid block one, value=<400 Bad Request>, field=<node[1].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"block_num_or_id": "1", "json": true}>, elapsed time=<0.9 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:54 UTC>
APIerror retriving large block, value=<400 Bad Request>, field=<node[1].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"json": true, "block_num_or_id": 63289201}>, elapsed time=<0.9 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:54 UTC>, explanation=<edit config.ini to set abi-serializer-max-time-ms = 2000 (or higher) and http-max-response-time-ms = 2500 (or higher)>, see=<>
APIHTTPS API nodes would have better performance by using HTTP/2, field=<node[1].ssl_endpoint>, url=<>, see=<>
APIinvalid block one, value=<400 Bad Request>, field=<node[1].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"block_num_or_id": "1", "json": true}>, elapsed time=<1.2 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:54 UTC>
APIerror retriving large block, value=<400 Bad Request>, field=<node[1].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"json": true, "block_num_or_id": 63289201}>, elapsed time=<1.2 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:54 UTC>, explanation=<edit config.ini to set abi-serializer-max-time-ms = 2000 (or higher) and http-max-response-time-ms = 2500 (or higher)>, see=<>
APIno valid API/SSL endpoints provided, field=<node[1]>, having node_type=<query>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 15:43 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<46>
General Infoposition, value=<candidate>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 15:56 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<2>
General Infoposition, value=<top 21>
RegproducerURL redirected, field=<main web site>, url=<>, redirected to response_url=<>, elapsed time=<0.6 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:56 UTC>
Organizationtrailing slash is not required, field=<org.code_of_conduct>, url=<>, timeout=<10 s>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationtrailing slash is not required, field=<org.ownership_disclosure>, url=<>, timeout=<10 s>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationno URL given, field=<org.branding.logo_svg>, timeout=<10 s>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationshould have at least 4 social references, field=<>
Hyperionfeature disabled that should be enabled, feature=<index_transfer_memo>, field=<node[0].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<0.2 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:56 UTC>, explanation=<check hyperion configuration>, see=<>
Hyperionfeature disabled that should be enabled, feature=<index_transfer_memo>, field=<node[0].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, elapsed time=<0.2 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:56 UTC>, explanation=<check hyperion configuration>, see=<>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 15:46 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<1>
General Infoposition, value=<top 21>
RegproducerURL redirected, field=<main web site>, url=<>, redirected to response_url=<>, elapsed time=<0.2 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:46 UTC>
Chains.jsoninvalid URL, value=<404 Not Found>, field=<chains json>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:44 UTC>, see=<>
Organizationinvalid URL, value=<404 Not Found>, field=<BP info JSON URL>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:44 UTC>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 15:44 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<36>
General Infoposition, value=<candidate>
Organizationjson schema validation, value=<String does not match ^https?://.+[^/]$.>, field=</org/code_of_conduct>, see=<>
Organizationjson schema validation, value=<String does not match ^https?://.+[^/]$.>, field=</org/ownership_disclosure>, see=<>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
OrganizationKeybase info, field=<>, url=<>, Full Name=<Oscar Anibal Jara>, Location=<San José del Rincón, Santa Fe, Argentina>, Bio=<SysAdmin>, elapsed time=<0.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-14 04:31 UTC>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
Accounterror retriving from get_accounts_by_authorizers by key, value=<404 Not Found>, field=<node[2].api_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"keys": ["EOS5NibtcPBxeCs6qMRgjs6ixxT6QMtjWmifYHwM5srhL2f3oknbd"]}>, elapsed time=<0.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:44 UTC>, explanation=<edit config.ini and set enable-account-queries = true>
Accounterror retriving from get_accounts_by_authorizers by key, value=<404 Not Found>, field=<node[2].ssl_endpoint>, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"keys": ["EOS5NibtcPBxeCs6qMRgjs6ixxT6QMtjWmifYHwM5srhL2f3oknbd"]}>, elapsed time=<0.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:44 UTC>, explanation=<edit config.ini and set enable-account-queries = true>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 15:54 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<12>
General Infoposition, value=<top 21>
Chains.jsonmissing Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, field=<chains json>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.4 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:52 UTC>, see=<>, see=<>
Organizationmissing Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, field=<BP info JSON URL>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.4 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:54 UTC>, see=<>
Organizationjson schema validation, value=</oneOf/0 Expected array - got string.>, field=</nodes/2/node_type>, see=<>
Organizationjson schema validation, value=</oneOf/1 Not in enum list: producer, query, seed.>, field=</nodes/2/node_type>, see=<>
Organizationjson schema validation, value=<String does not match ^https?://.+[^/]$.>, field=</org/code_of_conduct>, see=<>
Organizationjson schema validation, value=<String does not match ^[\w\d_\-\.]*$.>, field=</org/social/github>, see=<>
Organizationjson schema validation, value=<String does not match ^[\w\d_\-\.]*$.>, field=</org/social/twitter>, see=<>
Organizationinvalid URL, value=<404 Not Found>, field=<org.ownership_disclosure>, url=<>, elapsed time=<3.2 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:02 UTC>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
Organizationsocial references must be relative, field=<>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
Organizationsocial references must be relative, field=<>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
Organizationshould have at least 4 social references, field=<>
Organizationuse of node_type=full is deprecated since 2020-09-16; use node_type=query and/or node_type=seed instead, see=<>
Organizationfeatures list not provided, field=<node[2]>, having node_type=<query>, see=<>
APIno valid API/SSL endpoints provided, field=<node[2]>, having node_type=<query>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 15:49 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<24>
General Infoposition, value=<candidate>
Regproducerobsolete version of TLS is still supported, value=<TLSv1.0>, field=<main web site>, url=<>, elapsed time=<2.2 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:04 UTC>, validated every=<24 h>, see=<>, see=<>
Regproducerobsolete version of TLS is still supported, value=<TLSv1.1>, field=<main web site>, url=<>, elapsed time=<2.2 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:04 UTC>, validated every=<24 h>, see=<>, see=<>
Chains.jsoncould not find found chain specific bp.json, see=<>
Organizationmissing Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, field=<BP info JSON URL>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.4 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 15:49 UTC>, see=<>
Organizationjson schema validation, value=</oneOf/0 Expected array - got string.>, field=</nodes/2/node_type>, see=<>
Organizationjson schema validation, value=</oneOf/1 Not in enum list: producer, query, seed.>, field=</nodes/2/node_type>, see=<>
Organizationjson schema validation, value=<String does not match ^https?://.+[^/]$.>, field=</org/code_of_conduct>, see=<>
Organizationjson schema validation, value=<String does not match ^https?://.+[^/]$.>, field=</org/ownership_disclosure>, see=<>
Organizationno match between bp.json and regproducer, field=<producer_account_name>
Organizationinvalid URL, value=<404 Not Found>, field=<org.ownership_disclosure>, url=<>, elapsed time=<1.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 11:08 UTC>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>
OrganizationKeybase info, field=<>, url=<>, Full Name=<dutcheos>, elapsed time=<0.2 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-14 04:49 UTC>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationsocial references must not be empty, field=<>


General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2024-04-20 15:51 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<21>
General Infoposition, value=<top 21>
Organizationno github keys found, value=<eosusa-michael>, field=<org.github_user>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2024-04-20 03:29 UTC>, validated every=<168 h>