Report for mosaicblocks

text version

json version

General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2025-01-13 09:50 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<49>
General Infoposition, value=<candidate>
Regproducerregproducer signing key test passed, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"json": true, "keys": ["EOS7PGbMfw7rLW4oKcDi3WGihR2MiNsAgc6qnCYwFYA5yfEmbn6rz"]}>, elapsed time=<0.0 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2025-01-13 09:50 UTC>
Regproducerclaim rewards: last claim time, value=<2025-01-12 09:47 UTC>
RegproducerTLS support is ok, field=<main web site>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.4 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2025-01-13 00:54 UTC>, validated every=<24 h>
RegproducerURL redirected, field=<main web site>, url=<>, redirected to response_url=<>, elapsed time=<0.4 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2025-01-13 09:50 UTC>
Regproducerbasic checks passed, field=<main web site>, resource=<resources/regproducer_url>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.4 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2025-01-13 09:50 UTC>
Chains.jsonmissing Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, field=<chains json>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.9 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2025-01-13 09:50 UTC>, see=<>, see=<>
Chains.jsonURL redirected, field=<chains json>, url=<>, redirected to response_url=<>, elapsed time=<0.9 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2025-01-13 09:50 UTC>, see=<>
Chains.jsonchains found in chains.json, value=<2>
Chains.jsonusing chain-specific bp.json, value=</testnet-bp.json>
Organizationinvalid URL, value=<404 Not Found>, field=<BP info JSON URL>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.6 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2025-01-13 09:50 UTC>