Report for Primarch Technologies

text version

json version

General Infobp.json is re-validated approximately every 30 minutes; some URLs are checked less often, last updated at=<2025-02-05 13:58 UTC>
General Infovoting rank, value=<37>
General Infoposition, value=<candidate>
Regproducerregproducer signing key test passed, api_url=<>, post_data=<{"json": true, "keys": ["EOS5x2Kne3ZWeDPjAcxjrCt4nRmPiUB912jdpDbitzYz3cgrmYFpB"]}>, elapsed time=<0.0 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2025-02-05 13:58 UTC>
Regproducerclaim rewards: no unpaid blocks
Regproducertrailing slash is not required, field=<main web site>, url=<>, timeout=<10 s>
RegproducerTLS support is ok, field=<main web site>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2025-02-05 12:16 UTC>, validated every=<24 h>
Regproducerbasic checks passed, field=<main web site>, resource=<resources/regproducer_url>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2025-02-05 13:58 UTC>
Chains.jsonbasic checks passed, field=<chains json>, resource=<resources/chainjson>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2025-02-05 13:58 UTC>, see=<>
Chains.jsonchains found in chains.json, value=<2>
Chains.jsonusing chain-specific bp.json, value=</telos.json>
Organizationbasic checks passed, field=<BP info JSON URL>, resource=<resources/bpjson>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2025-02-05 13:58 UTC>
Organizationjson schema validation, value=<Missing property.>, field=</nodes/0/full>, see=<>
Organizationjson schema validation, value=<String is too long: 6/2.>, field=</nodes/0/location/country>, see=<>
Organizationjson schema validation, value=<String does not match ^[A-Z]+$.>, field=</nodes/0/location/country>, see=<>
Organizationjson schema validation, value=<String is too long: 6/2.>, field=</org/location/country>, see=<>
Organizationjson schema validation, value=<String does not match ^[A-Z]+$.>, field=</org/location/country>, see=<>
Organizationjson schema validation, value=<String does not match ^[\w\d_\-\.]*$.>, field=</org/social/twitter>, see=<>
Organizationjson schema validation, value=<String does not match ^https?://.+[^/]$.>, field=</org/website>, see=<>
Organizationtrailing slash is not required, field=<>, url=<>, timeout=<10 s>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationbasic checks passed, field=<>, resource=<resources/website>, url=<>, elapsed time=<0.1 s>, timeout=<10 s>, validated at=<2025-02-05 13:58 UTC>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationno URL given, field=<org.code_of_conduct>, timeout=<10 s>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationno URL given, field=<org.ownership_disclosure>, timeout=<10 s>, validated every=<168 h>
Organizationnot a valid 2 letter country code using only uppercase letters, value=<Serbia>, suggested to use value=<RS>, field=<org.location>, see=<>
Organizationnot an object, field=<org.branding>
Organizationsocial references must not start with the at symbol, field=<>
Organizationshould have at least 4 social references, field=<>
Organizationnot a valid 2 letter country code using only uppercase letters, value=<Serbia>, suggested to use value=<RS>, field=<node[0].location>, see=<>
Organizationextranious API endpoint provided, field=<node[0]>, having node_type=<query>
Organizationextranious p2p endpoints provided, field=<node[0]>, having node_type=<query>, see=<>
Organizationno query nodes provided, see=<>
Organizationno seed nodes provided, see=<>
Organizationproducer node(s) provided, count=<1>
bp.json On-Chainbp.json has not been provided on-chain, contract=<producerjson>, see=<>, see=<>